Redeeming Codes From Daily Deal Sites

Daily Deal sites are all different in how they want you to redeem your purchase. 

We have two redemption methods - Automatic and Manual

1. Automatic

A link that takes you to the purchase page with 100% off already calculated

Make sure that the link you were sent looks like this. If it does not, contact the site that sent you the link to get a new one. If the site you purchased from cannot resolve the issue they will contact us directly.

2. Manual

A link that takes you to the purchase page at regular price. In this case you will need to manually enter the coupon code 



How To Enter a Coupon Code Manually

1. Click the link they sent you to the course or course bundle

2. Click the Orange 'Enroll In Course' button

3. Click the 'Redeem Coupon' link

4. Enter your coupon code and click the 'Redeem Coupon' button

5. You should be taken to a page like this that will allow you to access your course immediately


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